Mai Zenin

Jinichi Zenin

[Jujutsu Kaisen] What is the blood relationship between Ogi zen’in and Jinichi Zen’in! Explaination of their relationship to Maki, Mai and Toji!

This article discusses the blood relations of the Zen'in clan, including Ogi and Jinichi. It also discusses the family t...
Jinichi Zenin

[Jujutsu Kaisen] What are 3 families? An explanation of big three families and their relationship!

This article explains the 3 families of Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo, Zen'in and Kamo families, including details of their lineage, their inherited techniques, who they were born to, the relationship between the three families.
Mai Zenin

[Jujutsu Kaisen] Mai Zen’in’s technique, domain development, strength and combat abilities!

This article describes the technique and domain expansion of the spellcaster Mai Zen'in, her strength and combat abilities.
Mai Zenin

[Jujutsu Kaisen] Mai Zen’in’s cute scenes! Her height, hairstyle and voice actor!

In this article, we will introduce you to the cute scenes of Mai Zen'in from Jujutsu Kaisen, her height, her changing hairstyle, her relationship with Maki, and her relationship with the tall idol Takada-chan.
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